Did you see that today's Australian Financial Review (AFR) has a special report on Knowledge Management? The particular reason I mention it is that I was interviewed for this report and there is short quote from me in the article, titled Firms alert as bloggers get a helping hand:
"As social software tools merge and become wireless- and proximity-enabled, business applications will abound, according to James Dellow, principal consultant with Chief Technology Solutions.
For instance, by merging a professional networking site like LinkedIn with photo-sharing capabilities such as those provided by the Flickr photo-sharing site and an interactive mapping application like Google Maps, Dellow says, your professional profile could include snapshots by location of projects you have worked on."
Fellow New South Wales KM Forum committee member, James Digges from SAI Global, also gets a mention in the same article and another friend in the industry, Sue Halbwirth from UTS, is quoted in another article in the report talking about the problem of knowledge lost through staff retrenchment and retirement.
Tags: knowledge management, social software