Tuesday 23 January 2007

IBM Lotus launches it response to Enterprise 2.0

Thanks to Brian Mulvaney at Attensa I was introduced this week to a few more CSC bloggers, one in particular I had already a connection with via this blog and common interests without knowing that we worked for the same company! As result a few new people have been added to my blogroll:

At the moment Stu in particular is reporting on the product announcements made at Lotusphere 2007. Like Stu I'd like to understand a bit better what Lotus Quickr is all about:

Well this did take me by surprise.  Its a “a new Web 2.0-based collaborative content offering“.  Now apart from that I don’t know very much.  I do have some questions though.

  • Is it Quickplace scaled up or down?
  • Does it integrate with the OS file system?
  • Does that integration include support for new metadata in Vista?

The screen shots would lead you to believe that the client is a form of information aggregator allowing you to share content with others (presumably via some Quickr infrastructure).  Now I wish I was at Lotusphere!.    The Quickr Teamspace also looks interesting hinting at a combined blogging, wiki and document sharing platform each supported with RSS subscription.

If Quickr is a single product then this for me would fill the gap between simple Quickplace deployments and enterprise websphere portal solutions.  In fact it would position itself against Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 - however to compete there the price point needs to be very attractive, i.e. free.  Quickr will obviously, as confirmed in the press release have the in-built integration with Lotus products which will differentiate it from WSS 3.0 for IBM shops.

There is also connection with Attensa who have developed something called "HannoverDJ":

The HannoverDJ is an easy to use tool based on the Attensa Feed Server and IBM’s Hannover Application [Lotus Notes 8] that combines the power of activity based computing with Web feed technology to deliver the right information, to right people, at the right time for the right activity.

The mashup gives users -- the information DJs -- command over information coming from multiple information platforms that are interdependent, but often loosely defined and uncoupled.

So maybe IBM Lotus have been listening after all?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:53 am

    Thanks for the nob. We should probably talk sometime.


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