Thursday 24 November 2005

Throw off your BlackBerries and unite with a Wiki

Enterprise social software must be really going mainstream when we start hearing about corporate execs smashing their BlackBerry's in frustration and converting to more collaborative tools! According to BusinessWeek magazine, people are getting sick of information overload caused by email. As a result they suggest the importance of email as the collaboration tool of choice is fading "in favor of other software tools that function as real-time virtual workspaces":

  • Private workplace wikis (searchable, archivable sites that allow a dedicated group of people to comment on and edit one another's work in real time);
  • Blogs (chronicles of thoughts and interests);
  • Instant Messenger (which enables users to see who is online and thus chat with them immediately rather than send an e-mail and wait for a response);
  • RSS (really simple syndication, which lets people subscribe to the information they need); and
  • More elaborate forms of groupware (e.g. Sharepoint, eRoom, Quickplace), that allow workers to create Web sites for teams' use on projects.

Its intersting to note how they include what I would think of as traditional groupware and collaboration tools in this mix with social software.

Thanks to Ross Dawson for picking up on this story.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:16 pm

    I never thought that Blackberry would have so many disappointed patrons. Well, it's time for another technology to surpass it.


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