This morning, a couple of things to get us started:
- Attensa shares their own 10 Things About Attensa Enterprise RSS in response to the 10 things I want!
- Doug Cornelius helps to promote the day of action, and says "I consider RSS to be the glue that holds together Web 2.0 and especially Enterprise 2.0. Blogs and wikis are great tools. But they are even more powerful when they are pushing content out through RSS feeds. It is much more efficient to have relevant content pushed to you, rather than you having to seek it out."
- Janet Johnson unpacks the debate about Enterprise 2.0 technology adoption, saying "enterprise RSS adoption is coming into fruition - but why has it taken us so many years to finally get here? Why do the folks considering enterprise RSS today have to be the 'forward thinking' ones? Because of fear" and then quoting some good advice from Martin Koser, "Don’t spend hours pondering the details and splitting hairs - actually use this stuff and find out."
I do hope you enjoy the Enterprise RSS Day of Action - it is as Martin says, a day to find out about this stuff. Now, I have to go, as I have my own brown bag presentation to prepare for later today. :-)
Technorati tags: Enterprise RSS Day of Action, Enterprise RSS, Enterprise 2.0, Attensa, Doug Cornelius, Janet Johnson, Martin Koser
Hi James - I'm creating slides to show how easy it is to comment on your post from within Attensa's RSS reader. I'm saving time, energy, and am able to be more productive as a result of RSS feeds coming to me. I'll post the slides on SlideShare and link to them by end of day today from my blog at: Thanks for spreading the word!