Saturday 14 April 2007

Mashing my own personal Blogosphere

You might recall that last weekend I created some network maps of the blogosphere around my own blog. Well, that was all well and interesting but what can we with that information?

Some of the questions I've been thinking about are (and in part, considering the idea of "best of lists" vs dynamic lists):

  • How do I keep up with changes in my personal Blogosphere or "Cosmos"?
  • How will I read the posts appearing in my personal Cosmos?
  • How can I easily share a way to help other tap into their own Cosmos?

Well, in the end I turned to Yahoo! Pipes for help and I'm pleased to announce the release of my first useful published Yahoo! Pipe - its called My Cosmos Feed. The result is a mashup using Technorati, Yahoo! Pipes and Feedburner.

What it does is this: Input the URL for a blog into My Cosmos Feed and it generates an RSS feed that includes the most recent 3 posts from the other blogs that link to that blog, plus all the other blogs that link to the blogs linking to the original blog! To see how this works in practice you can check out, via Feedburner, the My Cosmos Feed for the ChiefTech blog.

But wait, there is more - if you want to create a My Cosmos Feed for another blog (including your own) then hop over to Yahoo! Pipes to create it. Note: You'll need your own Technorati API Key.

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