Thursday 1 March 2007

Biffo between IT, users and the extended enterprise

Two sides of the current tension between enterprise IT and user-driven IT are represented in this post by Jeff Nolan and response from Mike Gotta.

Nolan says:

"here in the real world we are seeing examples of business units taking more control of their IT environments and telling corporate IT to go away"

Gotta responds:

"When there is a lack of trust, cooperation, shared ownership, sense of community and governance spanning business and IT, bad things happen. Enterprise 2.0 does not change that situation. Indeed, it could easily exacerbate it. Giving business units rights to do whatever they want is a governance issue... it all comes back to business/IT alignment and the continual engagement involving all parties that is necessary so we avoid the 'us' vs. 'them' mentality that really doesn't solve anything in the long run."

Meanwhile, over at Read/WriteWeb they introduce a third party - the Extended Enterprise:

"What is the Extended Enterprise (EE)?... The modern enterprise is no longer one, monolithic organization. Customers, Partners, Suppliers, Outsourcers, Distributors, Resellers, … all kinds of entities extend and expand the boundaries of the enterprise, and make 'collaboration' and 'sharing' important... Few of these Extended Enterprise stakeholders are inside the firewall. They don’t necessarily have accounts in the Enterprise IT network, posing challenges and creating friction in the workflow."

It's going to be a messy divorce ;-)

UPDATE: Who needs a CIO? Jeff Moriarty on the IT@Intel blog points out this post on the Long Tail blog and adds his thoughts on the debate:

"CIOs shifting from being innovators to being focused on Keeping The Business Running (KTBR). As a result, they have become more risk averse and are heading for a showdown with the newer generation of employees who have an expectation of just wanting a wide open pipe of connectivity and want IT to get out of their way."

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