Friday 16 February 2007

Looks like your Teqlo session has expired.

I read Rod Boothby's blog so when I heard that the drag and drop mashup service that he is part of, Teqlo, had launched a public beta I thought I'd give it a go.

Unfortunately, after signing up and a reset of my temporary password (ok, I get it, Teqlo is secure) I quickly got tired of getting no further than a message telling me my session has expired. For the record I known that Teqlo is in beta and I'm using the portable version of FireFox and that may have caused a problem, however I had no issues with getting into Yahoo! Pipes using it.

Teqlo does sound interesting and I hope I do get to try it out soon, but what I really hope to find out is if the experience of using it will change my opinion on super users as programmers. But that ease of use must start at the login page.

UPDATE: I received this from Scott MacFiggen at Teqlo. He explained that:

"We have some issues with accounts that contain usernames with spaces in them which would prevent you from using the Teqlo application. We have removed the ability to create usernames with spaces and since your account was affected I have deleted it. Please register again at to try out the Teqlo open beta."

I'll let you know how I get on...

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    You certainly should not be having those issues. We are just rolling out the system now, with a fail fast, fix the bugs and move forward approach.

    Hopefully, we will be able to fix this issue for you quickly.

    - Rod


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